Weekly Workout Recap 11/20-11/26

27 Nov


Hey there! I hope if you had a longer holiday weekend you had a good one and if it was just a “regular” weekend for you, you still got to recoup from the week!! The three days of work I had last week were a little crazy, but I was able to totally disconnect on Thursday, Friday and through the weekend, which was really great and needed. I caught up on sleep and got in lots of miles (and burpees).  The burpee challenge is still going strong and I’m incing closer and closer to 1,000 miles for the year!

Monday – 5 miles in the AM, GRIT Strength in the PM. 29 burpees.

Tuesday – BodyPump + 3 miles in the AM. 31 burpees.

Wednesday – 3 miles in the AM. 33 burpees. No GRIT because I was exhausted from the (short) work week!

Thursday – Turkey Trot 5k!! 35 burpees.

2017TurkeyTrot (1)

Going into this race I knew I wanted to push the pace if I could and find that sweet spot of being a little bit uncomfortable with the pace, but sustainable enough for a 5k. I decided not to look at my watch at all and run by how I felt. I was thrilled when I looked at my watch when I finished and realized that I not only sub-30ed, but PRed by 8 seconds. 🙂
2017TurkeyTrot (2)

This was my second time getting a sub-30 minute 5k and there’s something about being able to do it more than once that makes it feel less like a fluke and more like something I CAN do.

Friday – 5 mile run + BodyPump + CXWORX. Benefits of not having to work. 😉 Burpee rest day.

Saturday – GRIT Strength + BodyFlow. 37 burpees.


Sunday – 4.5 miles. This run kicked my butt. The people I was with were flying and I was just trying to hang on! 39 burpees.


Have a good week friends!


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