Tag Archives: Health & Beauty

Last day of Christmas vacay

2 Jan

Today is my last day off of work for the holiday. Back to the grind tomorrow.

Yesterday and today was spent doing not too much. I spent some time updating my running binder with my most recent races. I keep my bibs and print out the race report and any photos I took, and put them in clear page protectors in a binder.

It was fun to go back and print out all the reports from the past year. I realized that I have run 23 races since I started running 2 1/2 years ago. Crazy!

Today the morning started with taking the hubby to the walk in clinic – he wasn’t feeling too hot. He’s on meds and doing much better now though luckily.

After we got home from picking up his medicine, I went for an easy 30 minute run and just took my time.  Then, I met a friend of mine for a peticure! I usually get the brightest, pinkest shade I can find, but I decided to switch it up this time.

Blue and sparkely. I figure that’s sort of wintery, right?

I’m off to get things together for work tomorrow (ick) – enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Oh, and back to it…

Planned workouts for the week
Monday – 30 min easy run
Tuesday – Yoga
Wednesday – EA Active abs n arms
Thursday – 30 min tempo run
Friday – Zumba
Saturday or Sunday – 5 miles

acne, ugh

21 Jun

For the past couple of months I’ve been struggling with constant break outs on the sides of my chin. I called around to find a dermatologist, and the soonest I could get in to see someone was September. seriously. I wish I was kidding. Since it started I’ve tried to be extremely regimented with my traditional face care system, pay attention to how much I touch my face, etc. It hasn’t gotten better. In fact, I’d venture to guess it has gotten worse. I’m not going to wait around until September to do something about it, especially since it has now crept down to my shoulders, chest and back.

Yesterday when I was perusing a few message boards I frequent, someone mentioned the Oil Cleansing Method. The idea is that the oils that your skin produces are meant to be there, and harsh chemicals strip them away causing your body to produce more of them. You use a combination of EVOO (or jojoba oil) and Castor oil to clean your face. You can also add other oils if it suits you. It caught my attention because hey, I have nothing else to lose. And why should I keep shelling out $$ for name brand products that don’t work?

The hubby and I already had a supply of jojoba oil (part of a previous face regimen attempt that didn’t work) so we stopped by the store to pick up a small bottle of Castor oil after work. After exercising last night (I did intervals for 30 minutes, alternating 5 minutes of running and 5 minutes of hill climbing on the treadmill) I hopped in the shower and washed off as normal, except I didn’t clean my face. After I got out of the shower I did the following:

  1. Mixed 2 spoonfuls jojoba oil and 2 spoonfuls Castor oil together (this is the suggested ratio for combination skin).
  2. Using my fingers I massaged the oil around my face and chest.
  3. Took a wash cloth and rinsed it in hot water. Placed the wash cloth on my face for 1 minute to let the steam do its magic.
  4. Rinsed the wash cloth off and gentle wiped the oil off my face and chest. I re-rinsed the wash cloth as needed until all the oil was off.
  5. Splashed cold water on my face and chest to close my pores.

After just one application I noticed my face was “glowing” a little bit. I noticed the same thing with the hubby’s face after he tried it.

I noticed before I went to bed that my skin felt a little bit more oily than normal, and the hubby said his skin actually felt a little dry.  After I exercised this morning I mixed up another batch for myself, this time with 3 spoonfuls Castor oil (instead of 2) and 2 spoonfuls of jojoba oil. The websites I’ve read recommend upping the Castor oil if your skin is typically oily, and upping the EVOO/jojoba oil if you have dry/more sensitive skin (the hubby will be doing this when he washes his face tonight). Note: The website I referenced above recommends only washing your face once a day, however with the frequency of my exercising and wearing makeup to work, I’ll probably have to do it twice a day.

I’ve noticed that my face does look a little more “clear” – though of course my blemishes aren’t gone over night after two applications. I’ve also noticed that my face does not look as irritated or red as it does normally. Also, it’s half way through the work day and my face is not nearly as oily as it usually is by this point in the day.

I’m interested and hopeful that this will become a more long term solution for my skin care needs, with the added benefits of being natural and less expensive (the 8 oz bottle of Castor oil was only $5.99 and I could see it lasting us a while).