Tag Archives: Pittsburgh Half Marathon

Pittsburgh Half Marathon Race Recap

8 Jun

Since I am running the Runners World Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon this morning I thought it would be appropriate for my Pittsburgh Half Marathon Race recap to finally see the light of day. 😉

This was the third year I have run the Pittsburgh Half Marathon (2012 Recap, 2013 Recap) and it didn’t disappoint!

My dad and I got into Pittsburgh on Saturday afternoon, the race was on Sunday May 4th. We stopped by the expo and I was thrilled that they had so much official merchandise this year! It seemed to be more than I remember in the past. I was even able to purchase a Sweaty Band personalized for the race!  So cool. I was on the hunt for Watermelon Nuun too and found it, so the expo was a success for me.

We grabbed dinner at the hotel restaurant since they had some pasta options that were on the lighter side (no alfredo sauce for this girl the night before a race).

I set out my clothes and hit the sack.

As soon as my alarm went off I woke up immediately – I can never sleep great the night before an early wake up call for a race.

I had my typical breakfast of granola + almond milk as we hung out in the breakfast area of the hotel. There were tons of other runners there too which was cool. Our hotel was a quick walk to the start area and we found our corral with no issues. Though I have to say, the corrals were larger than I remembered them being in the past. I was in the last corral (D) and the paces in that corral ranged from around 11 minute mile, all the way to 13. I was glad we got there a bit early so we could make our way to the middle without many issues.

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Ready to go!

I had also been busily texting Sarah and I was so psyched when I saw her walking towards me based on my text directions!! We had never met in person before but it was so great to meet here and talk to her before the race started. It was my first blogger meet up ever. 🙂

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The race started a bit late – if I remember right it was supposed to start at 7 and the elites didn’t even take off until about 7:10. There was also a ton of crowding in the corral ahead of us – so much so, many runners were waiting on the sidewalk to get through the gates into the corrals (the gates are part of the security Pittsburgh has instituted for the race). I have never experienced this race starting late before, so I was super surprised when it happened. Hopefully they will figure out whatever went wrong and fix it for next year. 🙂

Luckily Sarah and I were chatting the whole time so I hardly noticed that the time had passed. It was warm out but a little bit of rain was drizzling. I knew as soon as we started running I would warm up.

About 7:15 or so I crossed the start line!

My strategy for this race was to use 2/1 Run/Walk intervals. Unfortunately I unintentionally ran through the first walk interval because of the loud crowds and the excitement. The second time through I started with my intervals.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This course is gorgeous. You get to start by running through downtown, you cross a bunch (I think 5?) bridges throughout the race, and you go through a bunch of really cute neighborhoods, ending by Duquense on a downward hill back into downtown.

I took a few photos of the bridges – though I wish I had taken more.

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Pretty right?

It was definitely a bit overcast but I didn’t mind the lack of sun at all. 🙂

I finished in 3:11:44. Better than last years Pittsburgh Half but not as good as my most recent half. I did that thing where I lost it in the 2nd half of the race again – my 10k split was 1:26:xx and then I slowed down significantly before the finish. Not my best race performance wise but I had a great time in a great city!

Pittsburgh Half Marathon Training – Taper Week! (Week 12)

2 May

It is finally here!!! The Pittsburgh Half is on Sunday!!!

I spent the week taking it easy after Wednesday to rest up. I also decided to pass on my Monday evening spin class. I’ve also been focusing on lots of hydrating!

Saturday – 3.5 miles easy + BodyPump* + 3.5 miles easy

Sunday – 10 Miles to Waffles Walk!

Monday – 3 miles hills in AM

Tuesday – 2 miles @ race pace in AM + Sh’Bam + BodyPump in PM

Wednesday – BodyAttack

Thursday – 2 miles super easy

Friday – Rest day.

*Links for more information: BodyPumpSh’BamBodyAttack

Total Miles: 10.5 (running)

Tomorrow I may fit in an easy 2 miler before we hit the road. Or I may not. We will see. Sunday is RACE DAY!!! Right now the weather is looking perfect – mid 50s to low 60s and cloudy!

Catch ya on the flip side!

Have a great weekend!!!

Pittsburgh Half Marathon Training (Week 11)

25 Apr

Ohh boy. This upcoming week is the last week before Pittsburgh! So exciting!!!

The basement is finished being finished (ha) and we got my treadmill set up over the weekend, so I am back to a more normal routine. I missed my early morning runs!!!

Thank you all so much for your awesome suggestions on how to fit in mid-week longish runs. I loved the idea of splitting it into 2 runs on the same day, and also making sure I’m fueling properly. My energy level seems to be low at the end of the work day so the fueling thing may be my problem. I did manage to fit in a Tuesday 5-miler this week by waking up super early and that is the last one for this training cycle, but I will definitely be using some of your suggestions once marathon training starts up (eek!).

Saturday – 11 miles!

Sunday – Rest day – Easter eating 😉

Monday – 3 miles hills in AM + RPM in PM

Tuesday – 5 miles easy in AM + Sh’Bam + BodyPump in PM

Wednesday – BodyAttack – Still loving 6am Attack!!

Thursday – 3 miles speed on the treadmill in AM + BodyPump in PM – I saw some serious gains this week with my strength training. I am ready to up my weight for some of the BodyPump tracks – specifically, chest, triceps and biceps. I am so excited about this because triceps and biceps I haven’t been able to increase weight for since I started!

Friday – Rest day.

*Links for more information: BodyPumpRPMSh’BamBodyAttack

Total Miles: 22!!
Strength Work Classes: 2 (goal of 3 a week)
Cardio Classes: 3 (goal of 2 a week)
Yoga Classes: 0 (goal of 1 a week)

Tomorrow I originally had 10-12 miles planned, but then I found out that the new BodyPump release is coming out at my gym. New releases are a ton of fun and I’d hate to miss out on it so, instead I am planning on running to the gym, doing BodyPump and running home. It’ll be a total of about 7 miles.  I asked for some advice on facebook about whether I should do this, and it was a resounding yes, so that is my plan!

Sunday will be an active day too, though not running-wise. My friends and I are doing our traditional #10milestowaffles – a 10 mile walk followed by a brunch! Our first one started during my Goofy training when I wanted some company for a long walk during training. Since then we have done it two more times, so this will be #10milestowaffles fourth edition!

Have a good weekend!! 🙂

Pittsburgh Half Marathon Training (Week 10)

18 Apr

I was able to get back into a groove this week since I wasn’t traveling mid-week, and it felt good! I am getting excited that there are only 2 more weekend long runs until race day! yay! In addition, I am loving BodyAttack more and more!!! I took at 6am class this week which was a GREAT way to start the day. I plan on swapping out one of my RPM (Spinning) classes to do this when possible.

Saturday – BodyPump

Sunday – Hershey 10k! Recap coming soon!

Monday – 3 miles easy + RPM – I got to do this run outside over my lunch break, it was great to run outside in the nice weather we were having that day. Made it an easy one since my calfs were feeling a bit tight from the hills during the Hershey 10k the previous day.

Tuesday – 3 miles easy + Sh’Bam + BodyPump – I got to do this run outside too, yay! I did it in the early morning instead of over lunch to free up my work day a bit. My legs were still really tight so I took it real easy with plenty of walk breaks. Also did Sh’Bam and BodyPump in the evening.

Wednesday – BodyAttack – My gym is trying out a 45 minute format and it was awesome and super intense. Being done by 6:45am was great though. I had a major endorphin rush!

Thursday – 3 miles hills on the treadmill + BodyPump – Was planning to do 5 miles but, I had limited time, read yesterday’s post about the trouble with mid-week longish runs for my thoughts on my struggle with planned runs like this.

Friday – P90X3 Yoga X – The hubby is currently doing P90X3 and since my legs and hips have been feeling tight I did the Yoga X video this morning. It was great to get up and move despite it being a rest day. But I also don’t feel like I pushed myself *too* hard. I should be good to go for tomorrows long run!

*Links for more information: BodyPumpRPM, Sh’Bam, BodyAttack

Total Miles: 15.2
Strength Work Classes: 3 (goal of 3 a week)
Cardio Classes: 3 (goal of 2 a week)
Yoga Classes: 1 (goal of 1 a week)

Tomorrow I have an 11 mile run planned, and Sunday I’m hoping to squeeze in the first 45 minutes of a BodyPump class before I have to head out to shower and head to Easter Brunch.

Have a great weekend guys and a great Easter if that is your thing!

Pittsburgh Half Marathon Training (Week 9) & Hershey 10k Goals

11 Apr

This past week was a bit rough, my runs just weren’t feeling so great. I also was traveling from work tuesday to wednesday so we know how that goes – had to shift some things around and take an extra rest day. My cross training was also not fabulous this week, but what can ya do. I’m trying to roll with it. 🙂

Saturday – 10 miles easy pace
Sunday – BodyPump* + RPM*
Monday – 3 miles hills
Tuesday – 3 miles on the hotel treadmill quickly before heading out to a networking dinner.
Wednesday – Rest day – presented at the conference, drove back from Pittsburgh and crashed on the couch.
Thursday – BodyPump + 3 miles easy – was supposed to be 5 but wowsa my calfs were tight. I just listened to my body and cut it short.
Friday – Rest day

*Links for more information: BodyPumpRPM 

Total Miles: 19
Strength Work Classes: 2 (goal of 3 a week) sadface
Cardio Classes: 1 (goal of 2 a week) double sadface

Tomorrow I am hoping to hit up an early BodyPump class before heading to Hershey!!! My FIRST RACE of the year is this weekend at the Hershey 10k! yah00!! Last year I was such a racing maniac that I had done a ton of races earlier in the year than this but since this year I am focusing on quality over quantity, I have tried to hold back a bit until the spring race season really gets going.

I am pretty excited about the Hershey 10k, though I honestly have no real goals (ha, tricked you with the title, huh). Last year I was aiming to PR, and I did. This year I just want to enjoy it and have fun. If I end up surprising myself with a PR I’d be thrilled but with the Pittsburgh Half in 3 weeks I am by no means holding out hope it’ll happen.

So that’s what I’ve been up to on the running front. In other news, the basement is almost done being finished!!!! I can’t wait to post an update on how it’s turned out soon. I love it, and the process has been pretty painless but in all honesty I am ready to get back to my normal routine and have our house back in order. Hopefully that will all happen soon. 🙂

Have a good weekend!!!