Tag Archives: Exercise Accountability

Happy Halloween!

1 Nov

I hope your Halloween was a great one! We dressed up for work and I was super original… or not. But at least I was authentic!Runner Halloween CostumeAnd I was super comfy all day at work too.  Can’t complain about that. 🙂

I spent the evening pretty much relaxing with the hubby, handing out candy when kids came, and drinking some red wine. I eventually fell asleep with Geisha on my lap and woke up around 10:30 to go up to bed. It was a pretty nice evening, no complaints here!

This week has been pretty awesome on the exercise front.
Monday – 3 miles
Tuesday – was supposed to be Zumba but we were locked out of the room and the instructor opted to cancel it and add an extra class at the end of the session, bummer.
Wednesday – 3 miles, 1 hr of cardio kickboxing (ow my arms!)
Today – 3 miles
Friday – I’m planning to do some yoga but we will see. I may give myself a rest day.
Saturday – 6 mile run, 1 hr of spinning (what have I gotten myself into?! this will be my first spinning class ever, should be interesting. I’m planning to run before it though in case I kill my legs.)
Sunday – REST

It was a bummer that Zumba got cancelled but I have 3 for 3 in waking up at 5:45am in the pitch black, cold, and rainy/snowy mix, so I’ll take it.


Back on track

1 Nov

No vacay photos up yet, sorry, I’ve had zero time to get them uploaded much less compose a nice post about them. It will happen eventually though. There’s been some good news on the House Hunting front that I’m not quite ready to share here yet, but it’s been keeping us busy and will keep us pretty busy this week too.

This week is all about getting back on track for me. I slacked big time the week after the Hershey Half in the exercising department (read: none). Then last week on vacation the hubby and I did make it to the gym every morning except when it was closed for Tropical Storm Rina (I told you we have some stories) but definitely did not worry at all about eating healthy. I may or may not have had a crepe filled with chocolate, peanut butter, caramel or some combination almost every morning as a part of my breakfast. 🙂

So I’m looking forward to getting back on track with running, eating and exercise in general.

Lunch today was a first attempt: annie’s raviolis, egg white egg salad over romaine, and an apple.In addition to getting back to my boring regular lunches I’ve also done the following to get back on track:

  • When reading a magazine on the airplane to Cancun I came across information about a pretty cool app called OptumizeMe. I got it for my Android phone (not sure if it’s available for iPhone too).

    From the website description: You can create your own health challenges based on your personal interests or you can pick from our list of existing health challenges. You can even join others’ challenges, too.

    Sounds pretty cool huh? I haven’t gotten into the whole social networking part of it, but I did create three challenges for myself for this week: Run 3 days, Drink 64 oz of water a day, Do yoga once. I love how you get trophies and stuff when you complete a challenge so I’m excited about it and hope it kind of kicks me in the butt this week.

  • Sunday we planned our meals for the week and I went full on grocery shopping to replenish our empty fridge. Yesterday I went to a local farm to pick up a bunch of apples (I got like 16 for $4.75!), apple cider and apple sauce (the total came to $10 – what a good deal for fresh, local, non-crappy-ingrendient-filled food). Healthy food in the fridge and healthy planned meals makes it easier to eat healthily and not order out because we get lazy.
  • I’m going to heated hatha yoga Thursday. and I am planning out our crazy week around it so that I have no excuse not to go. NONE. and it’s in OptumizeMe.
  • I’m starting Zumba classes with some coworkers this week! It’s a 6 week session (I think) and I already missed last week since I was out of town so I’m super motivated and excited to go every Friday for the next few weeks. Plus it’s noon to 1pm so it doesn’t effect my after work plans. And it’s with coworkers which would make it even harder to bail.
  • I’m also hoping to sign up for a Turkey Trot soon. races=motivation.

So there’s my plan. I’m going to report back on Sunday and I better have run 3xs, Yoga-d once, and Zumba-d once.

Exercise Accountability 7/18-7/24

25 Jul

A first good week back at it. I need to get to yoga this week though. Hot yoga just didn’t sound to appealing with the 90+ degree temps last week!

Monday (7/18) – 30 minute run

Tuesday – Abs, arms, squats

Wednesday – 40 minutes of treadmill intervals (5 mins run, 5 mins brisk hill walk)

Thursday – unscheduled rest day…work happy hours get in the way sometimes 🙂

Friday – 25 minute run in severe heat. major success considering I felt decent through it! abs, arms, squats after.

Saturday – scheduled rest day

Sunday – 30 minute run, abs, arms, squats.

Exercise Accountability 7/4-7/10

11 Jul

Last week I ran four times which was great! I kind of slacked on thursday though with the lack of yoga and not managing to squeeze in Abs n Arms. Ideally I’d just like to have 1 rest day a week.

Monday (7/3) – Firecracker 4k Race (2.5 miles – 29:54)

Tuesday – Abs n Arms

Wednesday – 30 minute run outside

Thursday – rest

Friday – 2 mile run outside

Saturday – 5 mile run outside

Sunday – rest

Exercise Accountability 6/27-7/3

3 Jul

I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend! It’s been pretty busy around here but I’m enjoying it all! This week was okay exercise-wise, but I had to deal with some stomach aches that came out of no where. Tomorrow I’m running a 4k race for the 4th of July so I took it easy tody with a quick treadmill workout instead of my typical long run.

Monday (6/27) – 30 minute treadmill workout (5 minute run, 5 minute incline walk X 3).

Tuesday – Abs n Arms

Wednesday – 30 minute treadmill workout (see above 🙂 )

Thursday – Abs n Arms. Planned to do hot yoga for the first time but had a pretty bad stomach cramp.

Friday – 20 minute run outside in the wee hours of the morning.

Saturday – rest

Sunday – 30 minute treadmill workout (ditto…)

I’m off to enjoy the rest of our long weekend!!