Tag Archives: Food

Easy eight

17 Nov

Alright… I am typing this from my kindle fire, because I’m lazy like that, but I applogize if formatting and stuff is off.

I ran eight easy miles today around 9. I procrastinated hoping the temperature would go up a little bit from the 29 degrees it was at when I woke up. Thank goodness it did-i still had to wear tights, a long sleeved shirt, my vest and gloves but I was pretty comfortable. Anyhow, its crazy/awesome how your perspective changes as you build mileage. Eight miles felt like a walk in the park compared to the 17 last weekend.

After my run I ran a few errands and started on laundry. I am currently hanging out on the couch, where I plan to remain for the rest of the day if I’m not switching the laundry out. 🙂

In random news, my husband noticed that I was using my kindle to look up recipes frequently (thank you Pinterest). So he had the idea to somehow mount it on our kitchen wall above the counter. We found this mount that attaches to the wall using those 3M sticky strips, which is awesome because if we ever want to removed them we can. And the Kindle just sort of slides into it so there’s nothing permanently attached to the Kindle either. It is really awesome and has already gotten a ton of use. I feel super high tech in the kitchen now, ha.


Pretty cool right?

I’m off to switch the laundry. Have a great weekend!!

Friday randoms in list form

24 Feb

It’s Friday! SWEET!

I haven’t been around the past couple of days but there’s been a lot going on at work and at home. I was at an all day work retreat yesterday and by the time I got home my brain was fried. I had that I-just-took-the-SATs feeling.

Anyhow, here are a couple of highlights from the past few days in a nice organized list.

  • I finally got my first Shamrock Shake of the season. This is the only thing I ever get at MickeyDs and omg it is so worth eating whatever it is made of.  I drank the whole thing in probably less than 10 minutes. oops… but I’m not sorry. SO GOOD.
  • Geisha has to wear an Elizabethan collar for 2 weeks. She’s been chewing on her paws and I took her to the vet on Wednesday. The vet took some fur samples to get analyzed but in the meantime she has to wear it so she wont chew or lick her paws. She looks so sad all the time, I really hate seeing her like that. I can’t wait until we can take it off of her. 😦
  • Yesterday I got in a 3.5 mile run with 2 miles at a faster pace. It felt good. I bet I looked super awesome wearing black capris, my black running vest, a grey shirt underneath and my bright pink shoes. 🙂 Maybe I at least looked fast?
  • At work today I’m getting a bunch of little, mundane, boring tasks done. You know how those add up so fast? After yesterdays work retreat, my brain still feels fried so I figured I would use today to take care of some things that have been hanging over my head for a while and get back to the real work on Monday after having the weekend to decompress.
  • Speaking of this weekend, it’s going to be busy but fun, so I’m looking forward to it. Tonight I’m meeting a friend for dinner, tomorrow I’m going to a church retreat for the morning, and Sunday I’m going to be getting my doubly sweat on with a 5 mile run with my dad in the morning and a Zumbathon later in the day. My legs will be pretty tired by the time Sunday is over I think.

Monday Randoms

20 Feb

Happy Monday!

I hope your weekend was fabulous!

We spent our weekend getting a lot of stuff done… including our taxes…. super exciting, I know, but I’m glad to just have them done. When you total all of what we owe and are owed together we come out about $50 bucks richer, which I guess is good but isn’t very exciting. 🙂

During the last week you may (or may not) have noticed that I never mentioned running. Well, I’m going to give a generic excuse. Life got in the way. It just… did. and I know I’m being vague here but it just happened. So my first run in about a week and a half was yesterday.

4 miles done and done.

You know what sucked though? my legs felt heavy and my shins started aching within the first mile. So I trudged through the four miles and got them done. But I seriously have to figure out what is making my legs feel so heavy lately. I thought taking some time off would help but it didn’t. so now I’m suspecting its my shoes. They have about 350 miles on them which is usually around when I have to switch them out. Luckily I have a new bright pink pair waiting in my closet. Here’s to a better run next time!

In other news, I have now tried all of the new Chobani flavors, and I’ve got to admit I’m not really a fan of any of them.


Apple Cinnamon


Blood Orange


Passion Fruit

I wanted to like them, I really did. But for some reason the apple cinnamon tasted weird to me when mixed with the flavor of greek yogurt, the blood orange seemed a little sweet and the passion fruit was too sweet for me (though I didn’t mind the seeds to be honest).

Oh well, you win some you lose some I guess.

I’ll probably be sticking with pineapple, mango, blueberry, strawberry and raspberry.

Here’s this weeks workout schedule:

Monday – Hot power yoga
Tuesday – Zumba
Wednesday – 3 miles
Thursday – rest
Friday – Speedwork: 4 Mi, inc Warm; 2×1600 w/800 jogs; Cool
Saturday – rest
Sunday – 5 miles

Have a good Monday. and if you’re off for presidents day today I am super jealous!

Salad dressing issues

31 Jan

Hows your Tuesday going?

No pancakes for me today, unfortunately. 🙂

Yoga last night was hard. You know it’s going to be a tough class if the straight-arm planks are the easy parts. whew.

I’ll be getting my Zumba on tonight, which I’ll be honest I’m not completely psyched about since the Zumbathon was just a few days ago. But I’ve signed up, paid, and have coworkers who I go with, so I’ll be going. and I know I won’t regret it.

Lunch today was leftover green curry with veggies and tofu from a take out place.

I also made a salad but had some serious salad dressing issues. (Get ready for a first world problem rant.) I bought some random italian dressing at the store last week. After trying it for a few days it really annoyed me. It tasted fine, but it was a PITA to clean up. Like, it’s so oily that my salad bowls don’t get clean with just one hand wash – it leaves an oily residue. So for today I packed some of the hubbys balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Except that I forgot that I really hate the taste of balsamic vinegar. So, I ate the good parts out of my salad (the black olives and a few chickpeas) and will be chucking the rest. bah. I really hate throwing out food but the dressing is just…yuck. and the italian dressing has got to go too.

This may be a good opportunity for me to try out a homemade salad dressing. Any recipe recommendations?

On another random note, the hubby woke up at 4 am this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. So he went to the grocery store, chopped up a ton of veggies and went for a run. I wish I could wake up with that kind of motivation when I plan a morning run!

Planned workouts for the week
Monday – Hot Power Yoga
Tuesday – Zumba
Wednesday – 30 minute run
Thursday – 30 minute tempo run
Friday – EA active abs n arms
Saturday – 7 miles
Sunday – Rest

Lots of pancakes

30 Jan

How was your weekend??

Mine was full of a lot of pancakes – specifically on Sunday.

Saturday was my first Zumbathon ever. Holy cow. 2 straight hours of Zumba is no joke. I felt like I had run a long run by the time we were done. It was a lot of fun though, and all of the proceeds went to a charity which was a great bonus! I hope to do one again in the future.

Sunday morning I woke up and my legs felt like lead. I was planning to run three miles, and debated for an hour whether I should put it off or just get it done. Ultimately I ended up getting in my running clothes and heading out the door.

I was supposed to run them at a fast-ish pace, but it just didn’t happen. My legs were dead from zumba the previous day which I totally didn’t expect. And there was lots of fun ice to walk/slide around. And there was also someone walking with two dogs unleashed. The one dog ran at me and jumped on me, so that kind of put me in a bad mood. PSA to dog owners – if you are on a public trail and are walking TWO dogs, they should really be leashed (unless there’s signs saying they don’t need to be). There’s no way you can control two unleashed dogs at the same time if someone happens to pass you. And although I love dogs, I don’t know if your dog is going to be friendly or attack me when it runs and jumps on me. ugh. /rant

After my run came pancakes round one! I met at friend for brunch and PIGGED OUT. Pancakes, eggs, fruit, yum. I don’t have pictures because I never remember, sorry. Pancakes definitely cheered me up though.

After breakfast I went to my parents house to watch a movie with my mom before coming home for dinner. When I walked in the door the hubby said he wanted to do breakfast for dinner. He never wants to do breakfast for dinner. Of course it would figure he would want to do it the day that I had a huge brunch. 🙂 But I obliged, and made my pancakes a little more exciting by putting chocolate chips in them.

Anyhow, that was my weekend. Lots of pancakes.

Planned workouts for the week
Monday – Hot Power Yoga
Tuesday – Zumba
Wednesday – 30 minute run
Thursday – 30 minute tempo run
Friday – EA active abs n arms
Saturday – 7 miles
Sunday – Rest