Tag Archives: Work

On Location

9 Mar

Happy Friday! 🙂

I’m working from the local Barnes & Nobles today. I’m on a project at work were I really needed the opportunity to “get in the zone” and my boss is awesome so he suggested I work from home today to work on it. I knew better than to actually work from home though – there are too many distractions there between the kitties, all of the boxes begging to be packed and general housework/laundry/etc. So I parked myself at the Barnes & Nobles cafe this morning around 9.

I grabbed an iced vanilla latte so that I felt that I “paid my dues” and am planning to stay here at least until I get hungry for lunch, if not later.

starbucksicedI’ve made a good amount of progress this morning, and it has been great to put on a pair of headphones and be away from work distractions – I should really do this more often.

All week I’ve been sort of scared to work out because of the heart stuff. But last night I couldn’t deal with it anymore, I was just feeling so antsy. So I did an EA active work out and I felt GREAT during and after it. It really changed how good the rest of my evening went too – I felt completely energized and was in a good mood. I’m glad I did it, because I got a voicemail from my cardiologists office and they pushed my appointment back another week. 😦 So I plan to just do my typical exercise stuff until my appointment but pay attention to how my body is feeling, my heart rate, and do modifications if necessary. I’m heading back to yoga tonight so I’m excited about that and I’m going to try to get a run in this weekend too.

In new house news, the house is pretty much done! We had a walk through on Wednesday and everything was as it should be. The builders had left some marks on the walls as they moved the appliances, flooring and other stuff in, so we walked around with some blue tape to mark all of the scratches and such we saw for them to go back and touch up/clean. We have our last walk through this Wednesday, and our closing next Friday. 🙂 It’s getting close!

Have a good weekend guys!

Friday randoms in list form

24 Feb

It’s Friday! SWEET!

I haven’t been around the past couple of days but there’s been a lot going on at work and at home. I was at an all day work retreat yesterday and by the time I got home my brain was fried. I had that I-just-took-the-SATs feeling.

Anyhow, here are a couple of highlights from the past few days in a nice organized list.

  • I finally got my first Shamrock Shake of the season. This is the only thing I ever get at MickeyDs and omg it is so worth eating whatever it is made of.  I drank the whole thing in probably less than 10 minutes. oops… but I’m not sorry. SO GOOD.
  • Geisha has to wear an Elizabethan collar for 2 weeks. She’s been chewing on her paws and I took her to the vet on Wednesday. The vet took some fur samples to get analyzed but in the meantime she has to wear it so she wont chew or lick her paws. She looks so sad all the time, I really hate seeing her like that. I can’t wait until we can take it off of her. 😦
  • Yesterday I got in a 3.5 mile run with 2 miles at a faster pace. It felt good. I bet I looked super awesome wearing black capris, my black running vest, a grey shirt underneath and my bright pink shoes. 🙂 Maybe I at least looked fast?
  • At work today I’m getting a bunch of little, mundane, boring tasks done. You know how those add up so fast? After yesterdays work retreat, my brain still feels fried so I figured I would use today to take care of some things that have been hanging over my head for a while and get back to the real work on Monday after having the weekend to decompress.
  • Speaking of this weekend, it’s going to be busy but fun, so I’m looking forward to it. Tonight I’m meeting a friend for dinner, tomorrow I’m going to a church retreat for the morning, and Sunday I’m going to be getting my doubly sweat on with a 5 mile run with my dad in the morning and a Zumbathon later in the day. My legs will be pretty tired by the time Sunday is over I think.