Tag Archives: Evening Plans

Second rest day

28 Sep

Wednesday, half way through the week. woo!

Last nights dinner was one of my favs – Pittsburgh Sandwiches!

yum yum yum yum yum.

I got bored after dinner and decided at 8pm to make Sugar Cookie balls – a double batch. Since I realized it was getting late and I was getting tired I just made the dough and stuck it in the fridge. I’ll roll and bake em tonight. Can’t wait 🙂

Lunch today is more of the usual, egg white egg salad, CSA fruit, celery with PB.

Ignore the fact that they’re all in random containers – since I went out to eat for lunch yesterday I left the sandwich in the fridge over night since I ate the celery and PB from yesterdays lunch as a snack yesterday.

I also might have eaten the peanut butter with a spoon when  I didn’t proportion the celery to peanut butter correctly.Had to properly deal with the problem of having too much PB 🙂

I took yesterday off from running and I’m taking today off too. To review, I did a 10 miler Saturday, and ran for 20 minutes Monday. I’m going to be pretty busy this weekend, so busy that I won’t be able to squeeze in another 10 miler. Unfortunately this is the last week that would work for a long run before I taper for the half. So, I’m going to do a 10 miler with my dad tomorrow after work (thus the rest days today and yesterday). I have no idea how running that far and long will go after a day at work but we will see. It’s the only opportunity I’ve got so hopefully it’ll work out.

So tonight, the plans are relax with sugar cookie balls, some tv watching, and probably nothing else exciting enough to mention here.

PS – I finally posted the link to the stuffed pepper recipe from yesterday in case you’re interested.


14 Sep

I hope your Wednesday is going well – it’s hump day! Things have been a little crazybusy the past few days, thus my lack of posting.

A recap –

Monday after work I went to the dermatologist about the acne I’ve been struggling with for about a year. It’s on my shoulders, chest, back and neck which made it superfun to deal with in the summer. She prescribed a cream, an antibiotic and gave me some recommendations for cleansing routines. I was pretty impressed and glad when she said she wanted to schedule a follow-up in a few months to see how everything is doing.

After the dermatologist I stopped by our favorite organic store to pick up some bulk quiona and then stopped into a local lab to get follow up bloodwork done. My PCP asked me to do it after a few previous results that she assumes are false positives. We will see I guess.

After getting bloodwork done I stopped by a store to refill some make up stuff – and ended up scoring on a free giveaway! I never seem to time those things right. From the store I went to another store to pick up some bodyglide. I’ve been having some unusual chafing so I wanted to give it a shot.

Whew. Talk about a crazy evening! But when I got home I was greeted with this in the mail:

My car title! Yay for getting it paid off!!

I went for a scheduled 30 minute run and tried out my new bodyglide – it worked like a charm. It really creates a barrier between your skin and other skin/clothing/the elements/whatever.

Dinner was something quick, I can’t remember.

So that was my Monday.

Yesterday at work was crazy busy. and I went and got my flu shot over lunch. I think I’ve had enough needles for the week thank you.

After work I went almost straight to heated yoga. The session went long which was good but also kind of messed up my schedule for the rest of the night. After yoga I was a sweaty mess and ran to pick up my dermatologist prescription. They didn’t have it ready so I had to kill some time browsing the grocery store – not fun when I was starving and smelly. Luckily I didn’t buy anything – though the chips at the check-out were definitely tempting me.

I got home close to 8pm, the hubby made a quick dinner while I showered my grossness off – vegetarian sloppy joes. Always a winner in my book. After eating, doing dishes and getting my lunch together for today (which sucks because I just wanted to get it done last night) I had maybe half an hour to chill in front of the TV but also had to multi-task and pay some bills. meh. Then to bed it was!

So here we are on Wednesday, and I’m feeling pretty frazzled. Luckily a lot of things are checked off my to do list but tonight I’ve got to pack, go and get a bridesmaid dress pinned to be hemmed and I’d love to squeeze in a last run before the 10k this weekend. The hubby says I should not try to squeeze in a run tonight because I’ll go crazy. we will see I guess. But there will probably be no time for blogging. In fact I’m not sure I’ll have much time before the race on saturday. But I’ll try.

In the meantime I’ll be starting to drink a ton of water and getting mentally ready, and not running (at least not after today if I’m lucky enough to squeeze one in today).

Time management

28 Jul

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you manage your time perfectly? Yesterday was one of those for the hubby and I. It was filled with lots of good things!

  • First off, the hubby and I went home to eat lunch yesterday. It was a nice break from the office and I got to saute up some veggies (which I’m still obsessed with) which was awesome.
  • I usually try to wake up early to run, but most of the time it doesn’t happen. Then I feel bad and force myself to run immediately when I get home from work. In the heat and sun. Not fun. Last night I waited to run until after dinner – around 7:30pm. Oh it was glorious! It wasn’t too hot and it was one of the best runs I’ve had in a while! A car accident almost occurred right in front of me, but that’s besides the point. I think I’m going to try to do this regularly. It was just so fun. It’s amazing what switching up your routine can do! I ran for 30 minutes.
  • After we ate dinner and were allowing the food to “digest” before running the hubby and I spent about 45 minutes chopping, cleaning and prepping our dinner for tonight. It was awesome to put some time into it last night so we won’t have to put as much time into it tonight. I’m pretty excited about our dinner tonight. If it turns out okay I’ll share it here.
  • We also made some homemade potato salad using the bazillions of potatoes we’ve been getting in our CSA lately.
  • After our runs and showers we even still had time to chill out in front of Netflix for about an hour before hitting the hay early.

I don’t know what it was about last night but the stars aligned we got a lot accomplished. We managed our time well. I was pretty stoked. 🙂 I’m a list person so crossing things off the list in my head feels great!

Lunch today is pretzels, home-made potato salad in a wrap and lettuce w. cucumbers and Italian Parmesan dressing (yumm). After work today we’re going to look at some more houses… I hope it goes well!