Tag Archives: Yoga

Cross Training (Tuesdays on the Run)

26 Aug
Tuesdays on the Run

Every Tuesday I am joining a link up with MCM Mamma Runs, Run the Great Wide Somewhere and My No Guilt Life. You can find out more about the link up here.

This weeks topic: Cross Training!

While running is definitely my favorite way to break a sweat I love trying out other forms of cross training!  Here’s what I’ve tried and what I think:

BodyPump – As you will soon see many of my current cross training favs are programs released by Les Mills. The gym I go to focuses on Les Mills classes so that is what I have the most access to. I joined my gym exactly a year ago (tomorrow will be a year!) because I was looking for a way to do strength training without having to go into a weight room clueless. According to the website, BodyPump ” the original LES MILLS™ barbell class, will sculpt, tone and strengthen your entire body, fast!” The class is one hour long and consists of music tracks that lead you through a warm up, a song targeting each major muscle group (squats, chest, back, triceps, lunges, biceps, shoulders, core) and a cool down. I love it because it works your entire body. I have found that I have gained strength that can not only be measured by putting more weight on my bar but I can also see through changes in my arms, back, chest and legs.  I try to do BodyPump 2 to 3 times a week, and tend to cut it out of my routine the week before a race since the leg tracks can be pretty fatiguing. More information about BodyPump is available on the Les Mills site here.

1167184_10151830075448767_1428470799_oSpinning/RPM – I still remember my first spinning class a little under 2 years ago. It was a charity event that my boss talked me and some friends into attending since his wife was teaching the class. I was SO scared. I had no idea how to adjust a spinning bike to work for my body, how to change resistance, or even how to stand up on a bike. The first class was tough – it was different exercise than I had ever experienced – but I was hooked. I did spinning for about a year and now do RPM (the Les Mills indoor cycling program) since that is what my gym offers. I find that Spinning/RPM really helps build my leg strength and stamina without having a lot of impact on my joints – I get enough of that with running.  I try to do RPM 1 to 2 times a week, depending on if I am training for a race or not.

BodyAttack – If I have a cross training obsession right now it is probably BodyAttack. BodyAttack is a Les Mills class that is “sports inspired.” It is an hour long and includes running, jumping, lunges, burpees. upper body work, and core work to name a few. I love the high intensity of this class and I always leave with a huge endorphin rush! I try to take BodyAttack once a week (it is too intense to take more than that with my running). More information about BodyAttack is available on the Les Mills site here.

Yoga/BodyFlow – I have tried out many different types of Yoga depending on what I am feeling at any current time. For a while I was doing hot yoga that was pretty intense, but I did it multiple times a week. This was about a year and a half ago. Then I sort of fell off the wagon and started to take lunch time yoga at work to stretch out mid-week. Unfortunately my work schedule got in the way of really enjoying the class so now I am occasionally taking BodyFlow classes (the Les Mills class that is inspired by Yoga) or doing Yoga DVDs at home. I love how relaxed yoga can make me feel – and hot yoga I think is a great way to relax your muscles and your mind. Unfortunately at this time in my life I find it very difficult to commit to regular classes. I do try to fit it in every now and then and have been trying to work it in more as my mileage has increased due to marathon training. http://instagram.com/p/rJziChJFO9/embed/

Kickboxing – For about a year I attended a kickboxing class through work until the program was discontinued. I loved the feeling of power I had as we practiced punching and kicking. It was really fun and a really unique way of cross training that I definitely miss.

Zumba/Sh’Bam – I had a pretty intense Zumba obsession about a year ago due to the easy access to classes through work over lunch time. I really enjoyed sweating in a completely fun and carefree way. I have even attended Zumbathons – 2-3 hour events of Zumba-ing! It really is a lot of fun. Since joining my gym I have attended Sh’Bam (the Les Mills cardio dance class) about once a week on and off. I find its a really fun way to burn some calories and have some fun. 🙂

Others – I have also tried out CXWORX and BodyCombat (both Les Mills programs) but not frequently enough to talk about the benefits I experienced.

The key to cross training is to find something you enjoy doing. That will keep you going back for more. 🙂


13 Feb

Wow sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. I had a good reason though. Yesterday was pretty insane for me from a work perspective and from a personal perspective. From the time I woke up until when I went to bed it was pretty much go go go. Just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here was my day:

5:45am – wake up
6:00 – run 3 miles on the treadmill
8-11:30 – work from a coffee shop (my boss is awesome and lets me do this from time to time when I have a lot of work to get done)
12-1 – yoga
1-3 – work in the office
3-4:30 – dentist appointment (a filling, super sarcastic yay!)
5:30-7 – Zumba

whew. needless to say, I drove all over town yesterday. and once I got home at 7, we made an easy dinner (quesadillas) and chilled out on the couch. and then I managed to fall asleep by 9:30. ha.

I usually won’t work out THREE times in a day – that’s a little insane. But Zumba and running are kind of on a fixed schedule. I am trying to squeeze in a quick lunch time yoga class once a week and it’s only offered on Tuesday or Thursday. Since I have to sort of work around my work schedule and Thursday wouldn’t work, yesterday it was!

It was one of those days!

Traveling yoga!

20 Apr

Happy Friday! End of the week, yess!
Work has been crazy for me this week and its left me exhausted at the end of each day. Here’s a few highlights from my week though…
Last Saturday I planned on a 9 mile run. Well my garmin died about half way through and I ended up found 10.25. No complaints here! I’ve got 10 planned for tomorrow, and then its taper time!
Tuesday was zumba time. I’m still loving it.
Wednesday I had a girls night, which was perfect timing because work was the craziest Wednesday afternoon. I had wine and lobster risotto, which hit the spot.
Thursday I went to “traveling yoga.” As a group we walked to various spots around town and at each spot did about 10 mins of yoga with different instructors. At the end of two hours we ended with sun salutations at sunset. The yoga was great and the weather was sunny and gorgeous. It was pretty amazing to be practicing outside. And very eye opening – here were other people walking around and staring at the group and I seriously could not have cared less what other people thought. It was get freeing.
Thursday I also had the most amazing salad ever.


Greens, a sliced apple, candies walnuts, a blue cheese wedge and an apple vinagrette. I am on a mission to recreate this when ever possible. It rocked. And it kept me full for a while too.
So that was my week in a nut shell. This weekend I’ve got a 10 mile run planned, a 5k race on Sunday (that I’m just planning to do for fun) and we seriously need to buy some blinds for the house…getting changed in the closet is getting old.
I hope you have a great weekend!

yoga, 6 miles and sushi x2

12 Mar

This weekend started with yoga and ended with a 6 mile run. With sushi x 2 and a ton of packing thrown in the middle. Now for the details…

Friday after working from the bookstore and getting a ton done (which was freaking awesome) I headed straight to the yoga studio. Class was great, and I realized how awesome it is to start the weekend off with yoga. It really set the tone for the weekend, so I think I’m going to try to switch to Friday yoga instead of Monday.

After yoga I went as a sweaty mess to the grocery store, haha. I got a call from the hubby while I was there telling me to pick up some sushi for dinner, and it was perfect! We split three veggie rolls once I got home and it hit. the. spot.

I fell asleep around 10 on friday while we were watching a movie, I am definitely a friday night partier haha.

Saturday we slept in before spending a good chunk of the day packing. We are now living with piles of full boxes…packedboxes1and more packed boxes…packedboxes2 and a pile of empty boxes ready to be packed…packedboxes3

It’s getting pretty cramped in the apartment with the boxes everywhere but we’ve only got about a week and a half to go.

We’re doing pretty good on the packing front with most of the kitchen packed (except for a few essentials), and most of the bedroom packed. We just have a few boxes of random stuff to pack up this week/weekend.

Saturday night we met my dad for sushi. It was good again. haha. I was digging the sushi this weekend!

Yesterday I woke up early to get in a run with my dad. The jumping 1 hour ahead thing messed with me, though it is so worth it to have more daylight in the evenings! Anyhow, we ran 6 miles at a comfortable pace. I walked up the hills so as to not push myself too hard so it took longer than normal. But I was just happy to cover 6 miles!

Work today went pretty quickly, but in a not-having-time-to-go-to-the-bathroom type of way. It was a little rough. After work I came home and banged out three miles. The first two were actually at a sub-12 minute mile pace, the last I took a bit slower to keep my heart rate in check. I am feeling pretty good now – gotta love those endorphins!

I hope your weekend and Monday was great!! Catch you later!

Day after Valentine’s Day

15 Feb

Good Morning!

How was your Valentines Day/Tuesday? I hope you got to spend it just the way you wanted to, celebrating or not.

My morning started off with a smiley heart cookie at work. I freaking LOVE smiley cookies (from Eat N Park – a restaurant common around here). And because I’m so awesome I ate part of it before I even took a picture. 🙂

It definitely got me going on a sugar rush at about 8:30 in the morning.

Zumba was super sweaty, and it didn’t help I was still sore from yoga. The yoga instructor who I hate love made us do a lot of hip extensions.hipextensionsource

Oh it burned my booty. I’m still feeling it today.

When I got home from work the hubby had gotten me some gorgeous pink roses.vday12pinkrosesWe don’t normally really celebrate Valentine’s Day, but things have been stressful so it was nice to be surprised. 🙂

Dinner was pasta and roasted sprouts. After dinner I hopped in the shower quickly and then the hubby and I relaxed and watched hulu for a while.

Geisha fell asleep on my foot.


Anyhow, I’ve got a rest day today, mostly because I’ve got a little happy hour after work to go to.

Monday – Hot Power Yoga
Tuesday – Zumba
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – 3 Mile run
Friday – 2 Mile Tempo Run with warm ups and cool down
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – 4 mile long run

Have a good Wednesday!