Tag Archives: Meals

Traveling yoga!

20 Apr

Happy Friday! End of the week, yess!
Work has been crazy for me this week and its left me exhausted at the end of each day. Here’s a few highlights from my week though…
Last Saturday I planned on a 9 mile run. Well my garmin died about half way through and I ended up found 10.25. No complaints here! I’ve got 10 planned for tomorrow, and then its taper time!
Tuesday was zumba time. I’m still loving it.
Wednesday I had a girls night, which was perfect timing because work was the craziest Wednesday afternoon. I had wine and lobster risotto, which hit the spot.
Thursday I went to “traveling yoga.” As a group we walked to various spots around town and at each spot did about 10 mins of yoga with different instructors. At the end of two hours we ended with sun salutations at sunset. The yoga was great and the weather was sunny and gorgeous. It was pretty amazing to be practicing outside. And very eye opening – here were other people walking around and staring at the group and I seriously could not have cared less what other people thought. It was get freeing.
Thursday I also had the most amazing salad ever.


Greens, a sliced apple, candies walnuts, a blue cheese wedge and an apple vinagrette. I am on a mission to recreate this when ever possible. It rocked. And it kept me full for a while too.
So that was my week in a nut shell. This weekend I’ve got a 10 mile run planned, a 5k race on Sunday (that I’m just planning to do for fun) and we seriously need to buy some blinds for the house…getting changed in the closet is getting old.
I hope you have a great weekend!

yoga, 6 miles and sushi x2

12 Mar

This weekend started with yoga and ended with a 6 mile run. With sushi x 2 and a ton of packing thrown in the middle. Now for the details…

Friday after working from the bookstore and getting a ton done (which was freaking awesome) I headed straight to the yoga studio. Class was great, and I realized how awesome it is to start the weekend off with yoga. It really set the tone for the weekend, so I think I’m going to try to switch to Friday yoga instead of Monday.

After yoga I went as a sweaty mess to the grocery store, haha. I got a call from the hubby while I was there telling me to pick up some sushi for dinner, and it was perfect! We split three veggie rolls once I got home and it hit. the. spot.

I fell asleep around 10 on friday while we were watching a movie, I am definitely a friday night partier haha.

Saturday we slept in before spending a good chunk of the day packing. We are now living with piles of full boxes…packedboxes1and more packed boxes…packedboxes2ย and a pile of empty boxes ready to be packed…packedboxes3

It’s getting pretty cramped in the apartment with the boxes everywhere but we’ve only got about a week and a half to go.

We’re doing pretty good on the packing front with most of the kitchen packed (except for a few essentials), and most of the bedroom packed. We just have a few boxes of random stuff to pack up this week/weekend.

Saturday night we met my dad for sushi. It was good again. haha. I was digging the sushi this weekend!

Yesterday I woke up early to get in a run with my dad. The jumping 1 hour ahead thing messed with me, though it is so worth it to have more daylight in the evenings! Anyhow, we ran 6 miles at a comfortable pace. I walked up the hills so as to not push myself too hard so it took longer than normal. But I was just happy to cover 6 miles!

Work today went pretty quickly, but in a not-having-time-to-go-to-the-bathroom type of way. It was a little rough. After work I came home and banged out three miles. The first two were actually at a sub-12 minute mile pace, the last I took a bit slower to keep my heart rate in check. I am feeling pretty good now – gotta love those endorphins!

I hope your weekend and Monday was great!! Catch you later!

Lots of pancakes

30 Jan

How was your weekend??

Mine was full of a lot of pancakes – specifically on Sunday.

Saturday was my first Zumbathon ever. Holy cow. 2 straight hours of Zumba is no joke. I felt like I had run a long run by the time we were done. It was a lot of fun though, and all of the proceeds went to a charity which was a great bonus! I hope to do one again in the future.

Sunday morning I woke up and my legs felt like lead. I was planning to run three miles, and debated for an hour whether I should put it off or just get it done. Ultimately I ended up getting in my running clothes and heading out the door.

I was supposed to run them at a fast-ish pace, but it just didn’t happen. My legs were dead from zumba the previous day which I totally didn’t expect. And there was lots of fun ice to walk/slide around. And there was also someone walking with two dogs unleashed. The one dog ran at me and jumped on me, so that kind of put me in a bad mood. PSA to dog owners – if you are on a public trail and are walking TWO dogs, they should really be leashed (unless there’s signs saying they don’t need to be). There’s no way you can control two unleashed dogs at the same time if someone happens to pass you. And although I love dogs, I don’t know if your dog is going to be friendly or attack me when it runs and jumps on me. ugh. /rant

After my run came pancakes round one! I met at friend for brunch and PIGGED OUT. Pancakes, eggs, fruit, yum. I don’t have pictures because I never remember, sorry. Pancakes definitely cheered me up though.

After breakfast I went to my parents house to watch a movie with my mom before coming home for dinner. When I walked in the door the hubby said he wanted to do breakfast for dinner. He never wants to do breakfast for dinner. Of course it would figure he would want to do it the day that I had a huge brunch. ๐Ÿ™‚ But I obliged, and made my pancakes a little more exciting by putting chocolate chips in them.

Anyhow, that was my weekend. Lots of pancakes.

Planned workouts for the week
Monday โ€“ Hot Power Yoga
Tuesday โ€“ Zumba
Wednesday โ€“ 30 minute run
Thursday โ€“ 30 minute tempo run
Friday โ€“ EA active abs n arms
Saturday โ€“ 7 miles
Sunday โ€“ Rest

An old stand by

4 Jan

Shoot, I knew I wouldn’t be able to check in yesterday so I thought I scheduled my NYE race report to go up. Oh wells, I’ll schedule it to go up later today.

It’s already Wednesday! This week is going pretty fast, though the time I had off from work went MUCH faster unfortunately. We don’t have anything planned this weekend so I’m excited for it to be a little bit low-key.

Last week when I went to the grocery store, I spotted granola that I love and decided to bring back an old standby for breakfast.

Greek yogurt and granola! I figure the granola will help me deal with the weird texture of greek yogurt that tends to bug me, and fill me up too. I ate this combo for literally a year before I got tired of greek yogurt and had to switch to non-greek yogurt and/or bagel thins. Hopefully I’m ready to bring it back this time.

Yoga kicked my butt last night. Theย  instructor that focuses on vinyessa puts together really tough flows. It’s been nice to challenge myself by going to her classes though.

I’m glad I don’t have a run planned for tonight – it was a whopping 9 degrees this morning when I left for work. I’ve got all the cold weather gear to run in, but 9 degrees?? yikes, no thank you. Hopefully it’ll warm up some tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Hump Day!

Planned workouts for the week
Monday โ€“ 30 min easy run
Tuesday โ€“ Yoga
Wednesday โ€“ EA Active abs n arms
Thursday โ€“ 30 min tempo run
Friday โ€“ Zumba
Saturday or Sunday โ€“ 5 miles, and possibly a yoga class


I can sort of talk

14 Dec

My voice is back! Sort of.

When I start talking it sounds fine and after a minute or two it starts to deteriorate. But it’s not nearly as bad as yesterday which is a start.

When I went to the grocery store last week I found a huge can of sauerkraut for $1.00, and figured we could make two meals out of it. So on Monday we had Smart Dogs with sauerkraut and last night we had pierogies with sauerkraut. The hubby commented on Monday that he felt like a little kid eating hot dogs and sauerkraut. I have the leftovers from Monday in my lunch today and can’t help but feel a little bit kiddy eating it. My hot dogs are even cut up into little bite sized pieces, haha.

I also have some cookies packed for dessert. Yesterday I ate the couple I brought to work in the morning before my lunch hour. Today I’ve managed to hold off until after I eat lunch which is quite an accomplishment. They’re just so darn good.

I wasn’t feeling the yoga last night so I swapped EA Active arms and abs in for it. I have been pumping myself up to run tonight and I just realized looking at the schedule that I posted that I really should go to yoga instead (so that I don’t have 3 days between a Wednesday run and then my Saturday long run). hm. I guess I’ll be sweating on the mat tonight!

Workouts planned this week:
Monday โ€“ 30 minute run
Tuesday โ€“ EA Active arms and abs
Wednesday โ€“ Heated yoga (60 minutes)
Thursday โ€“ 30 minute run
Friday โ€“ Zumba
Saturday โ€“ Longer run
Sunday โ€“ Rest

Enjoy your Wednesday!